I have been waiting all my life to see those beautiful animals, to be close enough, to be able to understand them and to see if they are really connecting with human souls.
When I was small I heard not once that elephants are bringing happiness. That they can feel if humans around them have good intention and pure heart, then they are sending their blessing in the form of luck. (Back then I really liked this story)
When I was going to India I knew that I can't go to National Park in Northern India, and I can't see them fully free. Park at the time of monsoon is close. The only place where I could see them was an Elephant Village in Jaipur. Some articles are showing that around the Amber Fort they use cruelty on those beautiful animals, putting huge wood saddles on them or using metal spiky stick to control elephant on the head.
Knowing all of that I was ready to record material which will show and protect those animals.
Situation turns a bit different, Armaan my friend who joined me in India for journey of MilesOfSteps took me to this elephant village as a surprise. Probably I will never find this place by myself. And guess what, I saw happy elephants!
If you already saw my video on YouTube probably you know that I have a ride on an elephant, which sometimes might be controversial especially after what I wrote in the beginning of this blog post. I can guarantee that I'll never put a hand on hurting any animals.
Before a ride
We were welcomed with water and we had long conversation with a person in charge at this day. We talked about all incomes and expenses of that village. I was curious, if the place where I'm, is good for the animals? If I'll pay any money, where do they go? Is it safe for animals? I asked about gender, babies and how long does the elephant is on the sun. If it has breaks, if they are healthy and if cruelty happen to them or if they are first owners. And many more questions.
I heard answers which calmed my heart. If Elephants go on a ride is just 20-30 minutes max and after that, they are resting. Question was, How I can be sure, that everything was as the gentleman said? I have only seen people which were taking care of Elephants I haven't seen anyone else from me Armaan and taxi driver which brought us there. I haven't seen scars on forehead or legs of the elephants. I have not seen pain inside their eyes or signs of disease. Due to all of that I decided that this one time in my life I can sit on an elephant.
My YouTube video:
Basic ride cost 2600 INR (30 Euro per person). Extra pack is 5500 INR but due to the painting with natural colors, anyway I do not recommend it. I was feeling good about being in this place, so I sat on elephant and I went for a small ride. There was no saddle, was just a cloth/material on a top of the elephant, and if someone pays more, can ride without material and feel the skin. Sometimes, the gentleman who was going in from of Elephant raised voice which I didn't like much, but that happen in the moment when mother and two children appears on the road and they wanted everyone to be safe. Apart from that I think that the way how they treated an elephant was good.
After Ride
We received bananas and some grass to feed elephants. They have names like "naughty" or "elegant" (I don't know how to write them in hindi). We have learnt how much do they eat, how thick is their skin and soft tongue. On top of that, the elephant was playing games with me, trying slowly and sneaky still bananas when I wasn't looking. Elephants received a lot of hugs and kisses on the trunk. I saw they little teeth and beautiful blue/grey eyes. This was a moment when my love to them raised. I really wanted to feel this magic bond with those animals, and I think I did. Somewhere there inside me stays a question. Do I really needed to go on a ride? I think I'll keep asking myself that.
Facts about the elephants
In the world exist 2 types of elephants, one in India others in Africa.
Small baby elephant weight 100 kg!
An adult animal eats around 300-350 kg food per day!
Elephants are able to remember smell even after 10 years. That mean whenever you will visit place another time an elephant most likely will recognize you.
Elephants are living around 80-100 years
Daily care of an elephant in India cost 950 Rupees (11 Euro)
Summary of thoughts
I can't say that I'm recommending or not this type of activity. Mainly because at this time when I have been there everything was okay in my eyes. I have no idea, If now someone use violence against them, if they are safe, happy and with full bellies. I know this subject is controversial, because of that I think this decision is really personal. I can understand and I'm always trying to understand all sides of a problem. While I was recording none elephant get hurt.
Thanks for reading! Have a lovely day! :)
#milesofsteps #elephants #amberfort #elephantrights #elephantsinindia #jaipur #rajasthan #elephantclub